Sabtu, 12 November 2011

The Shoemaker and The Elves

Once there was a shoemaker who was getting old. One night, he felt so tired that he went off to bed before he could finish making a pair of shoes. In the morning, he was surprised to find that the work had been done very well for him.
                That night, he got ready his things for starting on a new pair shoes for a rich customer. The next morning, he was again surprised to find a brand new pair of shoes waiting for him.
                The rich customer was very pleased with the shoes. She said, ”This is beautiful work! I shall pay you twice the price you asked for!”
                That night, the shoemaker happily put out the things needed to start on a third pair of shoes. He did this every night, and each morning he found another pair of shiny new shoes. Then, the shoemaker sold his beautiful new shoes at a higher price. He soon saved a large amount of money. Then, the shoemaker told to his wife about the strange and wonderful thing that was happening.
                “Let’s hide tonight and see what happens!” she said. Ad midnight, they saw two elves coming into their shop. They finished the new pair of shoes very quickly. It was winter and the shoemaker’s wife saw that the elves were poorly dressed.
                She made two little red wool jackets and laid them on the table. The next night, the elves found the jackets and put them on.
                They danced happily in their new jackets. But they were never seen again! 

The Golden Tree

Once upon a time, in a little village there was a big palace and in the palace there lived a rich king.
                One day, the king promised one of his gardener three million gold coins if he could grow a tree all year round which bore rich gold golden fruits. The gardener searched all over the countryside but he couldn’t find the right seed to grow a tree which would bear golden fruits.
                So at last, he went to see the wise old owl that lived deep in the forest and knew all about many things. The wise owl told him what to do and where to go to get exactly what he was told. He planted the seed and he waited. Suddenly, the tree sprang up so quickly.
                The tree began to bear rich golden fruits. The gardener ran back to the palace and took the king to see the tree. The king was very surprised. So the king agreed to give the gardener his money. The gardener went home and lived happily ever after.

17 Fakta Unik Tentang Bahasa Inggris

1.       Huruf yang paling sering dipakai dalam bahasa Inggris adalah huruf e
2.       Huruf konsonan yang paling sering dipakai dalam bahasa Inggris adalah huruf t
3.       Ternyata, huruf yang paling sedikit digunakan dalam bahasa iInggris adalah q bukan x atau z
4.       Lima huruf yang paling sering muncul sebagai huruf pertama dalam kata bahasa Inggris secara berurutan adalah t,o,a,w, dan b
5.       Hampir 50% kata berbahasa Inggris diakhiri huruf e,t,d, dan s
6.       Stewardesses adalah kata terpanjang yang dapat diketik pada keyboard hanya dengan menggunakan tangan kiri
7.       Lollipop adalah kata terpanjang yang dapat diketik pada keyboard hanya dengan menggunakan tangan kanan
8.       Typewriter adalah kata terpanjang yang dapat diketik menggunakan huruf-huruf yang terdapat pada satu batis tombol keyboard (baris QWERTY)
9.       The adalah kata yang paling sering digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris
10.   Tidak ada kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang bersajak/berima dengan month, orange, silver, purple, angst, dan scalp
11.   Dreamt adalah satu-satunya kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang berakhir dengan huruf mt
12.   Kata racecar, kayak, dan level dapat dibaca bolak-balik dari kiri ke kanan ataupun dari kanan ke kiri
13.   Hanya ada empat kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang berakhir dengan suku kata dous, yaitu: tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, dan hazardous
14.   Ada dua kata dalam bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan kelima huruf hidup sevara berurutan (a, e, i, o, u), yaitu: abstemious dan facetious
15.   Uncopyringhtable merupakan kata terpanjang dalam bahasa Inggris yang terdiri atas 15 huruf yang berbeda
16.   Kalimat The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog merupakan kalimat yang menggunakan semua huruf yang ada dalam abjad
17.   Jack merupakan nama yang paling banyak digunakn di negara Inggris